We annouced on the local radio station that we were going to talk about research done on traffic patterns in Linknet inMacha and the new VillageNet project at the outdoor projection wall near the restaurant. We also used the Machaworks Facebook site to advertise the meeting.
About 15 local people arrived for the talk and a few western visitors. It was a very unique experience to enjoy the brilliant milky way and talk about the uniqueness of Macha's Internet community. We showed the Facebook social graph with locality of interest that provided strong motivation for the VillageShare and VillageCell projects.
A quick demo was given of VillageShare and an open invitation was made for local people to participate in providing a local Tonga name for VillageShare as well as provide some graphic design material. There is a local user in Macha who has strong graphic design skills and who can help with the final design.